

Hacking is wonderful practise only when you keep on safe side...

Paid Ebooks for Free

There are many such ebooks on the net which you may want to get but the author of the ebook asks you to “buy” it.
Among all the ebooks on the net, the most popular ebooks are within the category of ‘Internet Marketing’ & ‘SEO’.
Like the one here.

After dumping this tutorial into your brain, you will be able to get ebooks such as that for FREE.(I really mean it)

For this hack, what you need to have is access to internet, and offcourse a webbrowser:) and the URL of the ebook that you want.For example if the description of the ebook is given on http://www.booksrc.com then the URL is booksrc.com

Lets get started!

1. Connect to net and go to Google Search.
2. Type in the search box “inurl:(the URL of ebook)” and search for it.Using the above ebook example, the URL of that ebook should be entered in the box as “inurl:http://www.getmoredonefaster.com/”.
3. Now on the results page, check for the URLs ending with .pdf .After you have done that open all the .pdf URLs in new tabs.(If google displays an option to repeat search results, then please do it!)
4. Look every URL for the Ebook you want.Once you’re done, download and Enjoy the paid Ebook for FREE.




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