

Hacking is wonderful practise only when you keep on safe side...

The Ultimate Virus 1.2

The more the joke resembles the truth,If you wish to play a trick on the friend, having realized its most secret nightmare, start on its computer The Ultimate Virus. " The terrible virus " will inform this, that the computer henceforth belongs to the hacker, and will borrow in destruction of all data.

Then the computer will be reloaded and will inform, that loading record is damaged, will please the user with quite realistic dark blue screen of death, and also characteristic sounds from a beeper. And then it will easy be closed and will maliciously inform, that it was only the joke.Naturally, data have not disappeared anywhere, and hacking actually was not. The program represents not a virus, and simply set of realistic animation. The user who has not come to the senses yet, will see a habitual Desktop.

Urgently I recommend to think three times before to play a trick on someone, in fact it can and not estimate your humour.Attention! The program is defined by some antiviruses as threat, and Caught : " a bad joke " or "BadJoke".
But actually in the program there are no threats of type: spyware, viruses, trojans or backdoors. The only thing that can harm to the personal computer is a user, in aspiration to rescue system.








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