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Photomatix Pro 3.2

Increase the dynamic range of your photographs
If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows. Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem:
� HDR Tone Mapping: Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created from multiple exposures.
� Exposure Fusion: Merge differently exposed photographs into one image with increased dynamic range.
Photomatix Pro is a stand-alone program that runs on Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista.
One Tone Mapping method is also available as a plugin of Photoshop CS2/CS3/CS4. Tone Mapping Plug-In 1.2 64-bit (only works in 64-bit edition of Photoshop CS4)

Benefits for professional photographers:
Saving on lighting equipment
No need to acquire expensive lighting equipment -and carry it- when you shoot high contrast scenes. Just enable the Auto Exposure Bracketing feature of your camera, and let Photomatix merge your photos into an image with extended dynamic range.
Great pictures on cloudy days
Shadowless hazy sunlight or an overcast sky usually results in dull-looking photographs. The tone mapping tool of Photomatix Pro can turn them into great-looking images.
Saving time in post-processing
Photomatix Pro is designed for productivity - automatic blending, unlimited stacking, easy comparison of results and batch processing save hours of masking and layers work in image editing programs.
Well exposed panoramas
A panoramic scene is almost always a high contrast scene - you can't limit your view to areas with the same brightness when shooting a 360� panorama. By taking views under several exposures and processing them in Photomatix Pro, you can create a panorama that will show details in both the dark and bright areas of the scene. Photomatix Pro offers both exposure blending (also knows as exposure fusion) and HDR tone mapping.

� Generation of HDR (High Dynamic Range) images from differently exposed images
� Conversion of single RAW file into pseudo-HDR image
� Tone Mapping tool for revealing highlights and shadows details in HDR image
� HDR Viewer shows local HDR image data at the appropriate exposure
� Display of HDR Histogram (logarithmic)
� Ability to batch tone map single HDR images
� Function to tone map large HDR image files while benefiting from a preview
� Read and Write support for Radiance RGBE (.hdr), OpenEXR (.exr) and Floating Point TIFF
� Color managed HDR workflow: passing trough of ICC color profiles from the source to the tone mapped images, and color managed display
� Four algorithms for Exposure Blending
� Automatic alignment option for hand-held images with two alignment methods available
� Preview and Loupe available for all Exposure Blending methods
� Ability to select the images for method �H&S - 2 images�
� Automatic Batch Processing
� Support JPEG, TIFF, Radiance RGBE, OpenEXR, PNG, PSD, RAW files from several camera models:
� HDR, RAW -HDR-, Radiance RGBE (.hdr), OpenEXR (.exr) Floating Point TIFF, JPEG, TIFF, Radiance RGBE, OpenEXR, PNG, PSD RAW
Summary of main updates in version 3.2 Final
� Multi-threading support for Tone Compressor and parts of Details Enhancer
� Details Enhancer settings improvements: New mode offering finer control for Smoothing setting (i.e. the setting that affects natural vs artificial look) and improved effect of Highlights Smoothness (i.e. the setting that preserves "clean" skies)
� Ability to tag saved images with keyword
� Built-in presets for Details Enhancer
Improved alignment of "by matching features" method.
� Batch processing advanced options: automatic detection of bracketed photos and ability to process a sub-set of each bracketed set.
� Detailed list of updates




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