

Hacking is wonderful practise only when you keep on safe side...

Recover your deleted Orkut account….

Fish!!! you deleted your orkut account or it was hacked and deleted by your rival or enemy. I know it feels too bad even mine was deleted due to same reasons. Your entire friend list including scraps, fans, crushlist, messages, photos collections, videos collection is lost. But no need to worry, my blog
your well wisher. It will help you to recover your account or at the least recover your collection on it. According to Google’s policy, the deleted account cannot be recovered but surely the collection on it can be recovered. Vouch you it is possible. Just you have to do is open a new account by visiting www.orkut.com and click on the link JOIN NOW.
If you already have a google account just enter your google information and click on SIGN IN. You’ll be asked to create your orkut profile. By going on google help you just have to enter your profile url there, your email id and other required information. Your data will be recovered within 14 business days. For more help you can visit





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