

Hacking is wonderful practise only when you keep on safe side...

Increase your internet browsing speed with Firefox mozilla shortcuts

Best way to increase the speed of your internet browsing is using your keyboard instead of easy mouse..I am jotting down shortcuts some of the most used applications/activities while browinsing net to improve your browsing speed and save your time

Open a new tab : + T

To move between tabs:

Open a tab to left : +

Open a tab to right: +

To enter the website address/URL or Search critertion into the address bar

Use + L or + D

If you want to open any website say yahoo.com, then just type yahoo and press +

To search something on the page press + F

To search internet using the Search Bar press + K

To increase font of text : and + [plus]

To decrease the font of text : and - [minus]

If you know some more useful tricks..do share with us!!




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